Gura doesn’t wear pants, and Froot is all for it XD
SUBSCRIBE! I post funni haha everyday.
Follow Froot, Gawr Gura, and great Animation channel:
Follow cute lich queen Froot (Apricot the Lich):
Tweets by LichVtuber
Follow cute shark Gawr Gura:
Tweets by gawrgura
Follow the channel that made this funny animation:
Am Holo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR0B42g-ts6KcLXNblZuPrg
Gura doesn’t wear PANTS! (Hololive fan Animation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofY3afrMYjs
I make videos about VTubers I love to watch and listen.
Subscribe if you love them too!
MonkeVTuber Hololive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3yFUEduZP241yvBw5B_cTA
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