Mediashare Trakteer Hanya ada di 1-5 sandwich (10 detik / sandwich)

Note : Mediashare hanya berlaku di sesi tertentu, diluar sesi khusus akan di nonaktifkan kembali. Terimakasih

Trakteer Alert Voice List :
– Suara Leone ada 5 tipe tergantung jumlah trakteer (1, 10, 25, 50, 100)
– Suara Moderator :
2pcs Drink by Shiroyuki
3pcs by Jintansama
4pcs Lubell (Wangyy loh suaranya, daddy banget)
5pcs Crom (koko” banget cuy)
6pcs LGM
7pcs Awakenning

『 You can support me here! 』
► Ko-Fi ( International ) : https://ko-fi.com/leonehalcon
► Trakteer ( Lokal ) : https://trakteer.id/leone-halcon/tip

Trakteer Alert ada 5 tipe tergantung jumlah trakteer (1, 10, 25, 50, 100)

Untuk keperluan Streaming
– Steam Game
– Listrik & Internet
– Alat” Streaming dll

Request Voice Line by Donaton, untuk yang yabai (bahaya) wajib diatas 5 sandwitch, Normal Line bebas
Request Voice type start 20 Sandwitch (Yandere, Yabai, Calm dipilih)

► Steam Friend Code : 1113635207
Please tell me if you want to give me a game, that’s my steam code. But I can’t promise to play the game streaming, depending on the game and other conditions. Thank you~

if I didn’t ask, please do not tell me to do that or anything rudely and excessively. (backseating)

♢ Hashtags ♢

♢ Twitter ♢

♢ Stinger by ♢

♢ Minecraft skin by ♢

♢ BGM by Dova Syndrome ♢


Rules ! !

► Jangan menggunakan titik dua v (:V) ataupun emote Batu karena Leone tidak menyukai kedua emoote itu.
► Jangan mengklaim Leone untuk perseroangan yang dapat membuat Chat rusuh
► Bersikap baik dan hormat kepada semua orang di sini! Jangan spam atau troll.
► Jika Anda melihat spam atau trolling, jangan ditanggapi. Cukup blokir, laporkan, dan abaikan komentar tersebut.
► Bicara tentang streaming
► Jangan memunculkan streamer lain kecuali saya menyebutkannya terlebih dahulu.
► Demikian pula, jangan bicara tentang saya atau aliran saya di obrolan streamer lain.
► Tetap tenang dan berkepala dingin. Karena satu-satunya yang “HOT” di sini adalah Leone Halcon

Selama Anda mengikuti aturan di atas, Anda dapat mengobrol dalam bahasa apa pun.

► Don’t claim Leone for individuals who can make Chat riot
► Be kind and respectful to everyone here! Don’t spam or troll.
► If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments.
► Talk about the stream.
► Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first please.
► Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat.
► Remain cool and levelheaded. Because the onlyone who “HOT” here is Leone Halcon

As long as you follow the rules above, you can chat in any language.


Support my gen-mates

Twitter : https://twitter.com/louisekhikume
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/louisekhikume/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/gentianahelix
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/gentianahelix/


[Snowdrop Live]
・Snowdrop Official Website : www.snowdrop-live.com
・Snowdrop Official Twitter : www.twitter.com/SnowdropliveID
・Snowdrop Official Facebook : www.facebook.com/SnowdropLiveID


    The content of this stream are not intended for “minors” only and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the stream. By watching this stream it will constitute your agreement to the following terms and conditions.

Snowdrop guidelines for minors please visit

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