Clippers are always warmly welcomed!
Playing with:
@Mira Fridayanti【Virtunix】 @Chika Kameria【Virtunix】 @Kuuki Tsuki 【Virtunix】
If you want to donate/kalau mau berdonasi:
Chat rules :
1. Dun be rood to others, no spam too
2. Pls only talk about the stream, don’t bring up other personal topics/other streamers and talk with the other chatters unless I mention them beauties
3. Do the same thing, don’t bring me up to other streamers livestream
Follow my Twitter:
Tweets by DoseiVtuber
Peraturan chat:
1. Yuk hargai sesama chatter, jangan spam juga (ngirim hal yang sama berulang2)
2. Jangan ngomongin hal yang lain selain yang lagi di stream, termasuk jangan bawa topik pribadi atau streamer lain dan ngobrol dengan sesama chatter kecuali di mention oleh dosei sendiri
3. Lakukan hal yang sama buat yang lain, jangan bawa2 topik dosei ke streamer lain
4. Tolong jangan chat atau bertanya hal-hal berbau privasi
Follow my Twitter:
[Virtunix Social Media]
– Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Virtunix/
– Twitter : https://twitter.com/virtunix
– Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/VirtunixOfficial
– Discord Official : https://discord.gg/cjPEg2R3Hn
Overlay and stinger: @sozaiyaris https://twitter.com/sozaiyairis
Intro and outro video:
Kroskat: https://twitter.com/kros_kat?s=20 and AdobeWallHacks# 6220 (Discord)
Intro song: DOVA-SYNDROME YouTube Official https://youtu.be/4pqJA7aiVJc
Outro song: Love letter https://youtu.be/1BeCc6pD82g
Livestream bgm: DOVA-SYNDROME YouTube Official https://youtu.be/kdEblFC1VU0
Intro arts: @tsunnyan (Instagram) and @Hn_bnb5121 (twitter)
Outro art: @zero0._e
Stream: #Doseilive
Fanart: #Drawdosei
General: #DoseiVtuber
#VtuberID #Vtuber
hey I lub u dun forget that 😀