Song: Haiiro To Ao
Original: Kenshi Yonezu & Masaki Suda
Let’s go join wind ridership here!
Hello! I’m Crown Kaze ????, The Ruler of The Wind 😀
Kaze speaks: Indonesian, English, Japanese, French!
Yo! You can help me lead a better life by donating to these links below!
But please make sure you have a good life too ^^
Trakteer: https://trakteer.id/crownkaze
StreamLab: https://streamlabs.com/crownkaze/tip
Thank you very much!!!!!!
Let’s have a good time together!
Feel free to subscribe or follow me around on other social media:
・YouTube: @crownkaze
・Twitter: https://twitter.com/KazeCrown
・Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@crownkaze
・Discord: https://discord.gg/zaC26fhV35
#VTuberIndonesia #VTuber
・General: #KazeCrown
・Live: #CrownLive
・Art: #CrownArt
・Oshi mark: ????
・Fan name: Wind Riders #WindRiders
#VTuberID #MaleVtuber #ENVtuber
(ID) Permohonan hamba terhadap yang terhormat pengunjung setrim ????
- Makasi udah dateng????
- Stream Kaze lebih ke arah family friendly gaes, mari berusaha buat nggak pake kata kasar dan vulgar ya!
- Jaga kerukunan antar sesama ya gengs, jangan ngajak gelud orang ntar gua adu beneran lu
- Kaze tidak menerima backseat ya gaes kecuali kalo minta hehe
- Kalo mau ngomongin topik berat, sumber ilmunya jangan dari meme ya soalnya cringe????
- Nikmati streamnya ya!????
(EN) Please heed to my little entreaty ????
- Thanks for coming!!!????
- Kaze’s stream is kinda family friendly, so please keep that in mind when chatting????
- Don’t fight because you no gladiator la~
- My brain can’t handle backseat
- I welcome heavy topic but please make sure the source are not memes????
6. Chill and enjoy the stream ily????
◆ Viozora Entertainment / Viozora live: https://vizora-interactive.com/
◆ Char model (Lyris-ママ): https://twitter.com/LyrisSama
◆ Rigger パパ: https://twitter.com/Gromb5
◆ BGM & Material:
– BGM: DOVA-SYNDROME (https://dova-s.jp/)
– Intro BGM : Dova-Syndrome, “Factory Night View” by Fukagawa
– Outro BGM : Dova-Syndrome
– Intro rain video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsrPY… by ejra vfx
– Logo : @RyuAkaiCh
– Stinger : @RyuAkaiCh
– Chat : @TouruBaskara
– Overlay and schedule : Me! 😀
I do not own the BGM or sound effects in this video.