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BGM: by the laptop – Clean your teeth : https://youtu.be/22P4S5RZUy0?si=Vh3UXebD6SLYA9Ey
Hello! My name is Kie.
I stream indie games, horror games and co-op games, among others.
???? Profile ????
I woke up one morning with no memory of my past – only a vague sense that writing was very important to me.
I continue to write in the hopes that I’ll remember who I am and what is important to me.
???? 自己紹介 ????
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kieseason
???? L2D: Ai You アイ . ウ (https://twitter.com/4i_Y0u)
Kirri アスル (https://twitter.com/k1rri_desu)
???? Illust: Miyukiko ミユ (https://twitter.com/Miyukiko)
???? Opening and ending scenes: Kinome Phylla (https://twitter.com/KinomePhy)
???? Chatting overlays: Mooko Studio (https://twitter.com/MookoStudio)
???? Chatting chair asset: Phantom (https://ko-fi.com/s/3aa12e2973)
???? Stinger: Sozaiya Airisu (https://sozaiyairis.com/archives/2158)
???? Chat widget: Chroneco (https://twitter.com/chrone_co)
???? Logo: KaisukeYuuko 开苏克优子 (https://twitter.com/NabusariP)
???? Membership badges: Kinome Phylla (https://twitter.com/KinomePhy)
???? Custom emotes: Misu (https://twitter.com/yunekomisuka)
???? BGM: BGM Farm (https://www.youtube.com/@bgmfarm)
???? BGM: 茶葉のぎか (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjxvxP6U-QAmnTLglGBwAFA)
???? BGM: ウサギ屋の音楽室 (https://www.youtube.com/@chirico-music)