Hi Master! I’m Divya Peashy your personal computer. Let’s get ready, booting up to the screen!
Aku Divya Peashy Vtuber PC dari GENESIX! ????️
#DivyaPeashy #DivyLive #VTuberID #GenesixVtuberAgency #ENVtuber

Form #Divya2nBirthday : https://forms.gle/fFqLxbBwKBNxmREy7

➤ Master can support me here!
『Media Share』

NB : Selama Donothon T-shirt Genesix Special Price IDR 150.000

Special Milestone ( Berdasarkan Saweria )

5 JT ( Gacha Free Ganci & Stiker )
10 JT ( Gacha Free Standee & Stiker )
15 Jt ( Gacha Free Standee & Ganci & Stiker )
20 JT ( Gacha Free T-Shirt & Ganchi & Stiker )
25 JT ( Gacha Free T-Shirt & Standee & sticker)
30 JT ( Gacha Free Jacket Divya Peashy + Custom Voice Note )

Milstone akan di gaca setiap menembus nomimal

➤ For collaboration and business Inquirie :
『GENESIX’s Email』

› Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/track/6XAxwuApG5nLesdXZWAJVH?si=1a352e81e31a42ad
› Youtube : https://youtu.be/W4Mh4sO70oo
➤ Stream Rules
『ID』Saat stream berlangsung mohon untuk mengikuti peraturan dibawah ini :
› Dipi tidak pernah salah.
› Bersikap baik dan sopan kepada sesama penonton dan tidak berkata kasar di kolom chat. (kalo Dipi boleh)
› Jangan melakukan spam atau berbicara diluar topik yang dibicarakan, kecuali kalo Dipi yang mulai.
› Jangan berdiskusi tentang hal-hal sensitif yang berbau SARA, politik, NSFW, dll.
› Jangan membahas VTuber/Liver/Youtuber/Creator lainnya kecuali wangy/cakep/Dipi yang mention duluan.
› Dilarang berantem di kolom chat, kecuali kalo ajak Dipi.
› Dilarang keras membully Dipi, kalo Dipi bully master boleh.
› Kalo Dipi melakukan kesalahan balik ke peraturan pertama.

『EN』During the stream, please follow the rules below :
› Dipi is never wrong.
› Be nice and polite to fellow viewers and don’t say rude words in the chat.
› Don’t spam or talk outside the topic, unless Dipi starts it.
› Don’t discuss sensitive matters related to ethnicity, religion, politics, NSFW, etc.
› Don’t discuss other VTuber/Liver/Youtuber/ Creators, except if Dipi mentioned them first.
› It is forbidden to fight in the chat, unless you invite Dipi.
› It’s strictly forbidden to bully Dipi, if Dipi bully the master it’s okay.
› If Dipi makes a mistake, refer back to the first rule.


➤ Sosial Media


➤ Hastags :
› General : #DivyaPeashy
› Fan Name : #Dipipisin
› Live : #DivyLive
› Clip : #Di_Clip
› Fanart : #DivArt
› Meme : #DipSitPosting

➤ GENESIX Vtuber Agency :
『Official GENESIX Vtuber Agency website』

Agensi Vtuber Indonesia

『Official Discord Server GENESIX Vtuber Agency』
『Official YouTube Channel GENESIX Vtuber Agency』
『Official Twitter GENESIX Vtuber Agency』

『Official Facebook GENESIX Vtuber Agency』
