Hello! I’m Crown Kaze ????, The Ruler of The Wind 😀
Kaze speaks: Indonesian, English, Japanese, French!
Yo! You can help me lead a better life by donating to these links below!
But please make sure you have a good life too ^^
StreamLab: https://streamlabs.com/crownkaze/tip
Trakteer: https://trakteer.id/crownkaze
Thank you very much!!!!!!
Let’s have a good time together!
Feel free to subscribe or follow me around on other Social-Media:
・YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CrownKaze
・Twitter: https://twitter.com/KazeCrown
・Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@crownkaze
・Discord: https://discord.gg/sm6hzcta
#VTuberID #VTuber #ENVtuber
・General: #KazeCrown
・Live: #CrownLive
・Art: #CrownArt
・Oshi mark: ????
・Fan name: Wind Riders #WindRiders
#vTuberIndonesia #MaleVtuber
(ID) Permohonan hamba terhadap yang terhormat pengunjung setrim ????
- Makasi udah dateng 😀
- Jangan backseat ya otakku nggak bisa memroses kalimat instruksi 🙁
- Mari ngechat layaknya masyarakat berpendidikan dan bermoral
- Silakan saling mengobrol yang penting jangan tawuran 😀
- Nyepam akan saya anggurin, kalo ada yang keganggu bilang aja ntar gua TO wkwkwk
- Kalo ada chat kelewat dan tidak terbaca (dan ingin dibaca), kirim ulang aja gpp, ngirim ulangnya kalem yak kalo rusuh sambil misuh-misuh gua TO lu (chat gak kebaca bisa jadi karena diblock youtube, chatnya lagi banyak, saya sedang fokus, atau emang nggak mau nanggepin chatnya aja kalo topiknya gak jelas hehe)
- Kalo donasi kelewat dan tidak terbaca, ingetin di chat aja gpp, itu sistemnya yang bermasalah emang suka gitu????
- Nyebut VTuber lain monggo ae, tapi kalo mau ngegibah ngomongin temen aing aja yak, gak enak ngegibahin vtuber lain yang saya kurang kenal
- Aturan nomor 8 gak berlaku di chat vtuber lain biasanya, jadi jangan nyebut-nyebut nama Kaze di stream orang kayak gua dikenal orang aja????
- Kalo mau ngomongin politik dll pastikan kalian emang punya ilmunya. Nggak usah ngomong kalo cuma ikut-ikut meme, cringe eh
- Chill dan enjoy the stream ya~ ty ily????
Merasa depresi atau stress berat? Boleh cerita ke Kaze tapi ingat, Kaze hanya bisa mendengar dan nggak bisa kasih solusi profesional! Kalo kira-kira kalian butuh bantuan profesional, bisa cek di sini????
It’s ok buat mencari pertolongan profesional buat kesehatan mental kalian!
(EN) Please heed to my little entreaty ????
- Thanks for coming!!! My rules kinda much but it kinda different with other VTubers so please check them out????
- I can’t be backseated because my brain can’t process instructions 🙁
- let’s be friendly with each other. being mean kinda cringe
- You guys can chat with each other, it adds my engagement anyway lmao but I won’t read the chat when you guys talk to each other????
- I don’t really care with spammers.. as long as they keep it polite, but I won’t read their chat. But if you feel bothered with spammers, just tell me and I’ll bonk them 😀
- I didn’t read your chat? It’s ok to resend them????
- Donation didn’t get read immediately? It’s ok to say it in the chat????
- Mentioning other VTuber is ok! But saying things behind their back is kinda bad! (Though ig it’s ok if it’s about my VTuber friends)
- Usually, rules no. 8 doesn’t apply to other VTubers’ chat, so let’s not talk about me in their chat 😀 They don’t know me anyway????
- Dark jokes and those kind of talk is permissible here BUT keep it civil, polite, and EDUCATED (dont’t talk these kind of stuff if you don’t actually know what the hell are you talking about, a.k.a. just for the meme, that’s kinda cringe)
11. Chill and enjoy the stream ily????
◆ Viozora Entertainment / Viozora live: https://www.vnet-live.com/
◆ Char model (Lyris-ママ): https://twitter.com/LyrisSama
◆ Rigger パパ: https://twitter.com/Gromb5
◆ BGM & Material:
– BGM: DOVA-SYNDROME (https://dova-s.jp/)
– Intro BGM : Dova-Syndrome, “Factory Night View” by Fukagawa
– Intro rain video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsrPY… by ejra vfx
– Logo: https://www.youtube.com/@AkaiRyuwu
– Stinger: https://www.youtube.com/@AkaiRyuwu
– Overlay and schedule: Me! 😀