#VTuber #VTuberID #NephthyLIVE #holocure

Selamat datang di stream aku, Nephthya Anya gen 3 dari Uver ID. Jangan lupa tinggalin like. komen, dan subcribenya yaa, share juga stream aku ke temen-temen kamu, enjoyy ;*


》》 Rules 《《
1. Dilarang berkata kasar / toxic terhadap sesama viewers.
2. Dilarang menyebut nama VTuber lain, terkecuali Streamer yang membuka obrolah.
3. Dilarang melakukan Spam.
4. Dilarang berdiskusi di luar topik pada saat stream berlangsung

》》 Rules 《《
1. Don’t use a rude / toxic words towards fellow viewers.
2. Don’t mention the names of other VTubers, except for Streamers who open the conversation.
3. Don’t Spam.
4. Don’t discuss off-topic during the stream.

【Nephthya Anya Ch.Uversal ID】

【Facebook Nephthya Anya】https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=bookmarks
【Twitter Nephthya Anya】 https://twitter.com/Nephnyaa?t=fEiqQMasi1lA9Dlm9V3ubQ&s=09
【Instagram Nephthya Anya】https://www.instagram.com/nephthyaanya

【Tiktok Nephthya Anya】https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSeonbBhv/

General : #NephthyaAnya
Live : #NephthyLive
FanArt : #NephthyArt
Meme : #NephFool
Clip : #NephthyClip

NSFW : #AnYabe

【Meltdhe Corsieur Ch.Uversal ID】
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYvE…
【Shana Ophelia Ch.Uversal ID】
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/ShanaOpheliaChUversalID
【Scardia Agnibrata Ch.Uversal ID】
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq3h…
【Masahiro Rio Ch.Uversal ID】
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Fn…
【Cyure Michantrell Ch.Uversal ID】
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9l…
【Zelinus Von Vihnlock Ch.Uversal ID】
Youtube : https://youtube.com/c/ZelinusVonVihnlockChUversalID
【FUJIO Uversal ID】
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/FUJIOp
【Arjuna Candra Pawitra Ch.Uversal ID】
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/ArjunaCandraPawitrachUversalID
【Hiro Kyasuta Uversal ID】
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HiroKyasuta
【Wei Yang. Ch Uversal ID】
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGC_uTT99Co4G0aiYWXDxOA
【Jae Min Ho Uver ID】
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@JaeMinhohoho
【Gi Hwa Young Uver ID】

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@gihwayoung

Discord UverID : https://discord.gg/b58QRUFdQM
