
⭐Modelモデル ⭐
I do not own this model and it is used under permission of the creator

⭐Rules ルール⭐
1: Be respectful, Don’t spam/troll
2: Don’t acknowledge as such , just block/report and move on
3: Please don’t bring up topics unrelated to the stream
1: 皆で仲良くする事スパムや荒らし行為は禁止
2:スパムや荒らしを見かけても反応しない。ブロック&通報で無視しましょう 🙂
Any and ALL languages are able to chat and leave comments 🙂
THANK YOU ありがとう!

Please subscribe and feel free to give tips and recommendations !
Just giving this game a go since it seemed interesting , any recommendations be sure to let me know

#vtuber #games #日本語 #live #livestream #livestreaming #英語 #配信者 #ライブ
#ライブ配信 #honkaistarrail
