気ままに勉強会 #61


Speaker De’modori Gatsuo 出戻りガツオ????
– Citizen Developer – 市民開発者そして業務改善士
– Mr.DevOps ITを楽しんで世の中を盛り上げたい????????
– Skill – Python ,VBA,Power Apps,Power Automate,Powe BI,Google Apps Script
– ????????????????

Date: 2023/07/08 20:00 – 21:30

Title:  Power PlatformでAIに質問するMy バーチャルスペース作ってみた
– Azure OpenAI活用ポイントを考えてみた!

出戻りガツオのPower Platform with Azure OpenAI Serviceの


  • Movie

  • Power Apps + Power PlatformのAzure連携の事例

  • Azure AI活用のポイント
  • 遊び方

English Ver

Study Group #61
Speaker De’modori Gatsuo Demodori Gatsuo????.
– Citizen Developer – Citizen Developer and Business Improvement Specialist
– Mr.DevOps I want to enjoy IT and make the world a better place ????????????.
– Skill – Python ,VBA,Power Apps,Power Automate,Powe BI,Google Apps Script
– I’m a ????????????????????????????.

Date: 2023/07/08 20:00 – 21:30


I made a My Virtual Space to ask AI questions with Power Platform.

~Application Explanation Part~.
– I thought about the point of using Azure OpenAI!

This is a presentation of Power Platform with Azure OpenAI Service by Gatsuo Shigeta.
This is the content of the speech.

We would like to thank all those who attended the event.

  • Movie
    We used a lot of demos on the day.
    The points that are introduction of the application are projected in the following YouTube.

  • Power Apps + Power Platform Azure integration case study

  • Points of Azure AI utilization
  • How to play
