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Reigy Ren Ch. レイジーレンCh.
♡ Ur Cute Seison’t Doggo VTuber Aiko Leia ♡
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Welcome to Aiko Leia live stream!
Halo selamat datang di live stream Aiko Leia!
Thank you for coming by to my chill stream! I appreciated every one of your for supporting me.
Terima kasih sudah datang ke stream santai ku! Aku sangat senang atas segala support yang kalian berikan.
Please follow the rules!
1. Please be nice to other viewers.
2. Please do not spam or troll, if you see one don’t respond. Just report & ignore.
3. Please don’t mention concurrent viewer count in chat.
4. Please refrain from overly sexual or inappropriate comments.
5. Please don’t spoil, backseat, or stream snipe when I’m playing a game, unless I ask first.
♡ —————————————————————————- ♡
♡ Aiko Leia ♡
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/misleia23
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AikoLeia
Discord: https://discord.gg/UvRyRvGMG7
Instagram: aikoleia
TikTok: aikoleiach
All SNS: https://aikoleia.carrd.co/
♡ Hashtags ♡
General: #aikoleia
Live: #leialive
Fan name: #leletachi
FanArt: #aileiart
Clip: #aileiclip
Meme: #leiameme
♡ Model Credits ♡
Live2D Artistパパ: Stemp ( https://twitter.com/_Stemp40 )
Live2D Riggingママ: Contra ( https://twitter.com/iamcontra_ch )
♡ Extra Credits ♡
Logo: Megu Minmay ( https://twitter.com/meguminmay )
Overlay : Auliap ( https://twitter.com/auliaip_ )
BGM: Jo Music ( https://twitter.com/Jovianaja )
Chibi art: Aikawa Momoka ( https://twitter.com/AikawaMomoka )
Channel Banner: Mika ( https://twitter.com/mikawrks )
♡ —————————————————————————- ♡