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Trakteer : https://trakteer.id/azu_lite (Thx so much! T^T)
Saweria : https://saweria.co/azulite (Danke schön! T^T)
Sociabuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/azulite/tribe (UwU)
Purchase my products at :
https://payhip.com/vampazu (PayPal Only)
https://sociabuzz.com/azulite/shop (Customer Indonesia bisa beli disini ya)
Siapa yang masih di sekolah? Siapa yang masih di kampus? SIAPA YANG DISURUH KERJA SAMPE MALEM??? Hahahahaha XD
Collab with :
For business purposes contact : info@azurestars.cat
Steam ID : 395727757
Rules :
– Please be polite, don’t get mad if I can’t read your message fully or can’t read your message at all. I’m a vampire, not a translate bot ^^
– Please keep the environment happy and healthy. Thank you! XD
– Don’t spam, ok? My love for all of you is just the same. I won’t leave you, so be patient!
– More to be updated
I can speak English so feel free to have a chat with me!!! ^^
So excited to meet new people. Hello there~ wave
Jangan lupa banyak minum, pakai masker keluar rumah, dan cukup istirahat ya. Yang stream sehat, yang nonton juga harus sehat!
Ayo kapan-kapan kita mabar! Drop ur ID and I’ll add u :3
#gamergirls #azurestars #randomtime #freetalk #azulive
New VTuber, still (slowly but sure) growing, and I appreciate you who support me!
Please subscribe and like my video, drop comments and have chat with me!
Talk with me, chat with me, interact with me with Indonesia/English, or you can teach me your language so maybe one day I can speak with you in your native language!
Add/Follow me on my social media :
Tiktok : tiktok.com/@azu.lite
Facebook : facebook.com/azulive.pzsquad
Instagram : https://instagram.com/azulite.pzsquad (azulite.pzsquad)
Follow my fellow hunter crew :
Yua_Ito : @Yua_Ito
Thanatos : @Thanatos_D
Darkside : @Darkside-yx6bx
Om Sikil : @Skyliet
Terong : Gapunya cenel
Follow my fellow Azure Stars Talent :
Hishiro Nekomi : @im_Nekomi
Yukihana Fan : @yukihanafan
Ojikh Akihiko : @ojikhakihikoch
Re-Mitsu Ren : @Re-Mitsu_Ren
Macchi The Koala : @macchiatooooo
Track Info :
Track: Mozart – Piano Sonata no. 11, K. 331 – III. Alla Turca
Music provided by Classical Music Copyright Free [https://tinyurl.com/visit-cmcf]
• Mozart – Piano Sonata no. 11, K. 331 …
Pachelbel – Canon In D Major
Music promoted by “FM Free Music”
Video Link: https://bit.ly/3gxauWm
License: Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 Unported — CC BY 4.0