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❄️한국 버튜버 리안, 루디, 아델, 토냐, 빵룽, 꾸이링 님이 모여 준비한 2023년 크리스마스 뮤지컬! “Alice in Musicland” 커버곡이 드디어 도착했습니다! 들어주시는 모든 여러분 Merry Christmas이구 마음 따뜻해지는 겨울되세요!❄️
엘라이나 리안’s Info
트위치:: https://www.twitch.tv/liahn_official
트위터:: https://twitter.com/ChuloveOfficial
루디’s Info
트위치:: https://www.twitch.tv/rudy_elphis
유튜브:: https://www.youtube.com/@UCdBZxsfGsc0I1MSioUhcQfw
아델 다우트’s Info
트위치:: https://www.twitch.tv/adeledoubt
유튜브:: https://www.youtube.com/@UCBGDSAfKK-JWRRfZs-E-5zA
샤벨 토냐’s Info
트위치:: https://www.twitch.tv/shabeltonya
유튜브:: https://www.youtube.com/@UCCA4jJY5PrTfIFJIcbI_NhQ
빵룽’s Info
트위치:: https://www.twitch.tv/roong__
유튜브:: https://www.youtube.com/@UCVWZqtCQeIAWYmLj4-VAo8w
꾸이링’s Info
트위치:: https://www.twitch.tv/0guiling0
유튜브:: https://www.youtube.com/@UCrBI7GfF6l4yNtkku6d0fjw
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【(VOCALOID MUSICAL) – Alice in Musicland】
♦ Cover by Liahn(리안) / Rudy(루디) / Adele(아델) / 토냐(Tonya) / 빵룽(Roong) / 꾸이링(GuiLing)
♦ Project Director by Elaina Liahn
♦ Mix by Z
♦ Chorus Guide by 비쥬
♦ Sub-Chorus Arrange by 꾸이링
♦ SD Illust by 괴수
♦ LD Illust by KLian
♦ PV by Poko
♦ Design by OLiViA
♦ Original Song
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vE_Bi5Sglw&t=0s
#버츄얼유튜버 #Aliceinmusicland #vtuber