???? Donations are greatly appreciated! ????
(투네이션) https://toon.at/donate/637863893806049611

???? BUY MERCH ????
한국 굿즈: https://witchform.com/payform/?uuid=OFNSRNEIYO

???? Ask questions here: ????

Full stream asset credits: http://bit.ly/miorichcredits

⚜️ —————————————————————————- ⚜️

Yo-ho~ Welcome to my tavern, The Sonaria!

???? CHAT RULES ????
1. Please be nice and respectful. No bullying or fighting in chat.
2. If you see spam or trolling, just block, report, and ignore! (Mogu and I will take care of it)
3. Don’t derail the stream with personal conversations. Use the Discord for that; link below!
4. Please don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first, and please don’t talk about me in others’ chats unprompted.
5. Please do not mention concurrent viewer count in chat. (It makes me very nervous!)
6. Don’t bring up controversial topics (politics, religion, drama, sexual content) unless I mention them first. Please don’t drag on controversial conversations if I’ve moved on already!
7. Please try to talk in English. 한국어도 괜찮아요!
8. Viewers asking inappropriate questions/spamming/making immature comments may be timed out or banned by mods (Mogu)
9. Remember, slimes are friends, not foe!

⚜️ —————————————————————————- ⚜️

????Miori Celesta ????
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mioricelesta
Discord: https://discord.gg/mioricelesta

????Hashtags ????
Live/General: #mionobouken
Fan name: guildmates
Member name: beerpals
Meme tag: #konomioda
Music: #celestunes
Art tag: #miorillust

????Model Credits ????
Model artist (Mama): OZ (https://twitter.com/ozzingo)
Live2D Artist (Papa): Veiny (https://twitter.com/VeinyST)

Gremlin model:
Model art: Banana (https://twitter.com/banana_draw)
Live 2D rig: dalnyal

Chibi model:
Model art: Gumoonjoo (https://twitter.com/GumoonJoo)
Live 2Drig: Richae (https://twitter.com/cherryb1oom0504)

Slime model: 스피네

????Extra Credits ????
Logo + Graphic design + Emotes: HID (https://twitter.com/HSaraiyoh​)
Donation jingle: Tephe (https://twitter.com/s_tephe​)
Stream chat CSS: JasonX (https://twitter.com/JasonCX98)
Full credits: http://bit.ly/miorichcredits

⚜️ —————————————————————————- ⚜️

???? P.O box ????
Dongmak-ro 6-gil 9, #2010
Mapo-gu, Seoul, KOREA
zip: 04072

서울 마포구 독막로 6길 9 2010호

⚜️ —————————————————————————- ⚜️
Curious what bgm is used in which stream? Check http://bit.ly/miorichcredits !

BGM credits
Utalive: 5pm by Miyolophone
Daystar – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_rwATcTU8oAsnJgaqOa3WA

License : https://dova-s.jp/_contents/license/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/FUJINEQo
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/FUJINEQoMusic

⚜️ —————————————————————————- ⚜️
